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Купить книгу Ava's Gift, автора Jason  Mott
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Ava's Gift
On the heels of his critically acclaimed and New York Times bestselling debut novel, The Returned, Jason Mott delivers a spellbinding tale of love and sacrifice, perfect for fans of Louisa Douglas, Daniela Sacerdoti and Jodi Picoult.A freak accident reveals a secret that 13-year-old Ava has been terrified to share.Ava has a unique gift: she can heal others of their physical ailments. Now, the whole world knows, and people from all over the globe want to glimpse the wonder of a miracle.But Ava's ability comes at a cost, and as she grows weaker with each healing, she finds herself having to decide just how much she’s willing to sacrifice in order to save the ones she loves most.Full of intrigue and suspense, Ava’s Gift captures the imagination and will have readers enchanted until the very last page.Published in America as The Wonder of All Things Praise for Jason Mott’s The Returned:‘Fantastically readable.’ The Times'It will…make you question what it means to be human and what you'd do in a similar situation' The Sun'Get in early before the hype begins' – Star Magazine
Купить книгу The Morcai Battalion: Invictus, автора Diana  Palmer
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The Morcai Battalion: Invictus
For almost three years Dtimun, the enigmatic and mysterious Cehn-Tahr commander of the Morcai Battalion, has been at war not only with the Rojok Dynasty, but also with his feisty Medical Chief of Staff, Dr. Madeline Ruszel.Now a surprising visitor from the future has charged them with the rescue of the enemy Rojok, Field Marshal Chacon. To ensure success, both Madeline and Dtimun must make personal sacrifices and attempt a dangerous mission behind enemy lines.Sparks fly as each twisting turn throws them closer together than they've ever been before – can they resist acting on desires they have long denied? If their plans are discovered, they face exile by their own governments and possibly even execution. But if they do not act, the future will see the end of civilization itself….
Купить книгу Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows: A hilarious and heartwarming novel, автора
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Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows: A hilarious and heartwarming novel
‘Big-hearted, earthy and funny… A rattlingly good story’ Deborah Moggach, The Best Exotic Marigold HotelWhen Nikki takes a creative writing job at her local temple, with visions of emancipating the women of the community she left behind as a self-important teenager, she’s shocked to discover a group of barely literate women who have no interest in her ideals.Yet to her surprise, the white dupatta of the widow hides more than just their modesty – these are women who have spent their lives in the shadows of fathers, brothers and husbands; being dutiful, raising children and going to temple, but whose inner lives are as rich and fruitful as their untold stories. But as they begin to open up to each other about womanhood, sexuality, and the dark secrets within the community, Nikki realises that the illicit nature of the class may place them all in danger.East meets west and tradition clashes with modernity in a thought-provoking cross-cultural novel that might make you look again at the women in your life…
Купить книгу Battleaxe: Book One of the Axis Trilogy, автора Sara  Douglass
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Battleaxe: Book One of the Axis Trilogy
Epic fantasy in the tradition of Trudi Canavan, Fiona McIntosh and Robert Jordan.A thousand years ago, the people of Achar drove the Forbidden from their lands.But now the northern tribes of the Ravensbund are fleeing south again, with nightmarish tales of creatures who feed upon the terror of their prey. Winter has come early, and with it the promise of war.Axis, bastard son of the dead Princess Rivkah, is sent north to the battlefront at Gorkenfort with his elite Axe-Wielders. Once there, he must hand over command to his hated half-brother, Borneheld, Duke of Ichar and heir to the throne. But during the long journey Axis falls in love with Faraday – Borneheld's betrothed – and finds himself reassessing the very essence of his beliefs.With the fate of the world hanging in the balance, Axis must unite the feuding lands under one banner before it is too late and the evil rising in the north engulfs them all for good.
Купить книгу Mistress of the Empire, автора
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Mistress of the Empire
Book three in the magnificent Empire Trilogy by bestselling authors Raymond E. Feist and Janny Wurts, now available in ebook
Купить книгу Ancestors of Avalon, автора
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Ancestors of Avalon
The full sweep of the rich history of Avalon – from the fall of Atlantis to the founding of a new temple on the mist-shrouded isle of Britain – is finally revealed in this magnificent tale.The priests and priestesses of Atlantis have known for many years that the Sea Kingdoms were doomed. But now the final destruction has arrived they find themselves less prepared than they had thought for what lies ahead.Micail and Tiriki, prince and princess of the last island to fall, as well as priest and priestess, are separated during the final escape. Micail and his cousin, Prince Tjalan, successfully arrive at their planned destination, a trading post in the Hesperides (the British Isles) where Tjalan loses no time in taking charge. He dreams of continuing the traditions of Atlantis and founding a glorious new empire – whether the local tribes like it or not. Micail and the other priests dedicate themselves to fulfilling an ancient prophesy that they will build a great temple in this new land – and set about finding a way to shift the huge blocks of granite that will become Stonehenge.Micail's beloved wife Tiriki also arrives in the Hesperides, but, blown off-course by a storm, her ship lands on the wrong shore. She and the elderly priest Chedan lead their small group in forming a new community in harmony with the local population at the sacred Tor (Glastonbury). Once the two groups become aware of each other, conflict will become inevitable.A deeply moving and utterly convincing tale of faith in the face of adversity, filled with memorable characters and haunting landscapes.
Купить книгу Den of Shadows Collection: Lose yourself in the fantasy, mystery, and intrigue of this stand out trilogy, автора Christopher  Byford
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Den of Shadows Collection: Lose yourself in the fantasy, mystery, and intrigue of this stand out trilogy
Enter a world of sin and fantasy in this collection of fantastical stories!Welcome to the Gambler’s Den where every night is a party, and every day is a battle with the law…Den of ShadowsWhile fighting off poverty in the blistering desert heat a travelling casino offers one night of solace. One chance to change your fortunes. But once on board there is more to the show than meets the eye: enter Franco, the elaborate ringleader, Wyld the stowaway thief and Misu the fire breathing showgirl.In a kingdom ruled by the law Franco ensures his den remains in line. But when he’s faced with saving the fate of the train, and those on board, he may be forced to break his own rules. Life on the den isn’t just a job but a way of life and once you’re in you’ll never be able to leave.Den of StarsThe Gambler’s Den lies in ruins, its staff scattered across the Sand Sea, all but a memory of the minds of its past patrons. But when the Morning Star appears, ruled by a mysterious figure known only as the Hare, the comparisons can’t be helped. Who is this larger-than-life character? Why do the showgirls wear masks? What are they hiding? The answer…they should be dead.Franco and Misu were safe only in their anonymity, but with Franco gone Misu must find him – jeopardising all they have built. In order to save the man she trusts Misu must put her faith in the villain.Wilheim does not forget disobedience lightly, and Misu’s was a great betrayal, so now he will call in his debt, and his revenge on the staff of the Morning Star.Den of SmokeThere is always someone ready to take the title villain…Jackdaw may once have been a part of Wilheim’s gang but now he’s looking for a new life, a free life.But will he be able to shake his past for good, or will he end up in a worse position than he was before?Readers love Christopher Byford:‘Definitely recommend this book, it has something for everyone’‘Beautifully Descriptive’‘full of mystery, intrigue and felt a little bit magical’‘Christopher Byford has created a world that had me blown away!’
Купить книгу Башня рассвета, автора Сары Дж. Маас
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Башня рассвета
Шаол Эстфол, капитан королевской гвардии Адарлана и ближайший друг Селены Сардотин, в битве с демонами, захватившими столицу королевства и разрушившими стеклянный замок, получает серьезные увечья. Единственное, что ему может помочь, – поездка в далекую Аттику, столицу могущественной империи, где в высокой башне обитают искусные целительницы, способные творить чудеса. Помимо этого, у Шаола и другая задача – в наступившие тяжелые времена убедить правителя Южного континента объединиться с ним в союз против демонов и оказать поддержку соседям. Иначе тьма падет не только на Эрилею, но охватит все земли и континенты.
Купить книгу Хроника Убийцы Короля. День второй. Страхи мудреца. Том 2, автора Патрика Ротфусса
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Хроника Убийцы Короля. День второй. Страхи мудреца. Том 2
Долгожданное продолжение культового романа «Имя ветра»! Юный Квоут делает первые шаги на тропе героя: он убережет влиятельного лорда от предательства, победит группу опасных бандитов, уйдет живым от искусной соблазнительницы Фелуриан. Но на каждом головокружительном повороте своей необыкновенной судьбы он не забудет о своем истинном стремлении – найти и уничтожить мифических чандриан, жестоко убивших его семью и оставивших его круглой сиротой… А еще он узнает, какой трудной может быть жизнь, когда человек становится легендой своего времени.
Купить книгу Хроника Убийцы Короля. День второй. Страхи мудреца. Том 1, автора Патрика Ротфусса
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Хроника Убийцы Короля. День второй. Страхи мудреца. Том 1
Долгожданное продолжение культового романа «Имя ветра»! Юный Квоут делает первые шаги на тропе героя: он убережет влиятельного лорда от предательства, победит группу опасных бандитов, уйдет живым от искусной соблазнительницы Фелуриан. Но на каждом головокружительном повороте своей необыкновенной судьбы он не забудет о своем истинном стремлении – найти и уничтожить мифических чандриан, жестоко убивших его семью и оставивших его круглым сиротой… А еще он узнает, какой трудной может быть жизнь, когда человек становится легендой своего времени.
Купить книгу Последний Намсара. Боги света и тьмы, автора Кристена Сиккарелли
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Последний Намсара. Боги света и тьмы
Седой Ольн был одинок. И потому сотворил себе двух спутников. Он создал первого из небесной синевы и чистого эфира и назвал его Намсара. Для второго спутника Седой Ольн взял кровь и лунный свет и назвал Искари. Если Намсара нес смех и любовь, Искари приносила лишь разрушение и смерть. Она умоляла Седого Ольна изменить ее. Но когда он отказала ей, Искари решила убить верховного бога. За попытку лишить его жизни, Ольн сослал Искари в пустыню, где она бродила неприкаянной, пока не погибла от невыносимого одиночества…
Купить книгу Дагератып, автора
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Новы дэкадансны раман Людмілы Рублеўскай пачынаецца ў нашу эпоху: малады біёлаг Гальяш рыхтуецца з'язджаць за мяжу, але, разбіраючы рэчы ў дзедавай кватэры, знаходзіць стары дзённік… Перад чытачом паўстаюць таямнічыя падзеі канца XIX стагоддзя. Уладальнікі фотаатэлье правінцыйнага беларускага гарадка, незалежная прыгажуня Багуслава і яе бацька Варакса Ніхель, – якія спецыялізуюцца на партрэтах post mortem – адлюстраваннях нябожчыкаў, вымушаныя выправіцца ў экспедыцыю, каб сфатаграфаваць неверагодную этнаграфічную калекцыю ў глухім і злавесным маёнтку Жухавічы. Цяперашняга ўладальніка маёнтка, князя Шымона Каганецкага, мясцовыя сяляне лічаць ваўкалакам. Дый Багуслава з бацькам зусім не тыя, за каго сябе выдаюць.